April 11 1932 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on April 11th, 1932.  On the voyage the ship reported a pleasant passage although dense fog was encountered in the Strait of Juan de Fuca while approaching Victoria.  The fog resulted in the arrival at Victoria being delayed nearly three hours.  A cargo of 2,000 tons was carried that included gold and a consignment of seven carloads of silk that was valued at $1,500,000.00 and was carried eastward by a Canadian Pacific Railway train.  A light passenger list of 181 was reported with 15 First Class, 37 Tourist Class and 129 Steerage passengers.  Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on April 11th, 1932.


Captain and Mrs. E. F. Aucott

Of Hong Kong and travelling to England.  Associated with Jardine Matheson and Company.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farmer

Of Canton travelling to England.  Associated with the Victoria Hotel in Canton.

L. C. Williams

Of Tientsin, travelling to England for the summer.  Associated with McKinnon & McKenzie.

Captain E. C. Paget

Of Tokyo, travelling to England.  Associated with Hadfields Ltd.

T. R. McCreath and family

Of Shanghai travelling to England.  Associated with the Indo-Chinese Navigation Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Holzmueller

Of Hamburg travelling home on an around the world trip.

Frederick Vaatz

Of Hamburg returning home after a business trip to the Orient.  Associated with Krupps & Company.

H. T. Kelland

Of Calcutta travelling to Eastern Canada.  Associated with the Indian Government Railway.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Metzger

Associated with the Richman Company of New York.  Returning from a business trip to the Far East.

F. S. Wright

Of the Standard Oil Company returning to the USA from Japan.

Colonel and Mrs. G. E. Reid

Of London, Ontario returning from a tour of China and Japan.

Wang Scheng-ting

Associated with the Chinese Railways travelling to the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.


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