April 3 1933  - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on April 3rd, 1933.  On the voyage the ship reported a pleasant passage and carried a fair passenger list and a good cargo.  Some raw silk was discharged at Victoria destined for New York via San Francisco.  Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Victoria and Vancouver on April 3rd, 1933.

Mrs. Wakeford Cox

Of Shanghai, disembarked at Victoria.

Captain A. J. Holland

Marine Superintendent of Canadian Pacific Steamships returning from Hong Kong.

R. R. Liddell

Superintendent Engineer of Canadian Pacific Steamships returning from Hong Kong.

H. C. Spring

Secretary to the Superintendent Engineer and Marine Superintendent of Canadian Pacific Steamships, returning from Hong Kong.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul

World tourists from London.

Mrs. Chic Wai Leung

Of Canton, China, Educational Investigation Commissioner of the Municipal Government of Canton.

L. Rae

Of Montreal, an architect.

S. R. Price

Of New York, returning from a business trip to the Far East.

E. G. Johnstone

Director of the John Walker Distilleries, London, returning to England.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ritchie

Of Welland, Australia on a world tour.

C. A. Calkins

Of Vancouver, returning from a trip to China and Japan.

Mr. and Mrs. Butts

Of London, former associated with the Imperial Chemical Industries.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bagley

Of Atlanta, Georgia, returning from the Far East.


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