December 27 1937 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by G. Goold, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on December 27th, 1937.  The ship was delayed in reaching British Columbia after having encountered stormy weather on the Pacific.  A light passenger list was reported with 38 passengers in First Class and Tourist Class and some 50 in Closed and Open Third Class.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on December 27th, 1937.


Dr. J. W. Anderson

En route to Victoria.

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Bisson

Associated with the Foreign policy Association of New York, returning home from the Far East.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Blitz

Buyers from Amsterdam en route to Holland.

T. H. Ellicott

Manager and Secretary of A. L. Tate & Son, New York.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Haynes

Associated with the National Aniline Chemical Company, Hong Kong.

Reverend J. R. Neveu

Of the Congregation of St. Sulpice, en route to Montreal.

W. W. McVittie

Acting British Consul at Tokyo.

T. M. Womple

Manager of the Direct Tea Trading Company, Shidzuoka.

Mr. and Mrs. George Waard

En route to Victoria.

Dr. Stephen Tsai

Director of Yenching University, Peiping en route to New York.

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