January 21 1934 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on January 21st, 1934. The ship was delayed slightly by stormy weather in the Pacific.  A light passenger list and a heavy cargo were reported.  

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on January 21st, 1934.

Otohiko Matsukata

Son of Prince Masayoshi Matsukata and former director of the Fifteenth Bank. Accompanied by his son Takeshi Matsukata.  Proceeding to Canada, United States and Europe as an unofficial messenger of goodwill.

Shintaro Shindo

Tokyo, Managing Director of the Nichiro Fishery Company, proceeding to London.

F. S. Booth

Secretary to Shintaro Shindo.

G. S. Beebe

Of New York, connected with the Carter Macy Tea and Coffee Company, Formosa, proceeding on a business trip.

T. S. Cockburn

Kobe, Accountant of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, en route to London.

R. Divers

Kobe, Rising Sun Petroleum Company of Japan, en route to London.

P. Fogg

New Westminster author returning home from a world tour.

Captain N. P. Hocking

Master of SS BRIGHT STAR returning to Vancouver.

Surgeon-Lieutenant J. C. Gent

Of HMS HERALD, en route to England.

J. M. Lang

Kobe, General Motors Acceptance Corporation, proceeding on a business trip to New York.

R. G. Macdonald

Shanghai Manager of the Tea Department of Dodwell & Company, proceeding to England.

D. L. Morgan

Hong Kong, China light & Power Company, en route to England.


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