September 11 1933 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by A. V. R. Lovegrove, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on September 11th, 1933.  The ship entered Victoria ahead of heavy fog banks that rolled in from the Pacific.  A fair passenger list was reported and 200 tons of cargo was discharged at Victoria including raw silk. The silk was transferred to the SS SANTA PAULA which then sailed for New York. Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on September 11th, 1933.


Patricia Hamilton-Smith

Returning from an extended tour of the Orient.

R. A. Nicholson

Returning from a Shanghai visit.

N. L. Walsh

Of San Francisco returning from a tour of the Orient.

M. Flynn

Of San Francisco returning from a tour of the Orient.

H. O. Bedgood 

Prominent Glasgow shipbuilder.

E. T. Barnes

Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Tientsin.

Dr. H. B. Freidlander

Of Shanghai en route to England.

R. S. Greene

Director of the Peiping Medical Board, proceeding to New York.

E. P. Lachlan

Tea Department of Jardine, Matheson & Company, proceeding to London.

G. E. Marden

Chairman of the Shanghai Tug & Lighter Company en route to London.

S. T. Kammimura

Proceeding to London to join the Japanese Embassy.

O. Okawa

Travelling to New York.

Reverend Dr. Roberts

United Church Toronto, returning home from the Orient.

Dr. David Yorah


F. T. Bernstein

New York.

Bishop L. H. Roots

New York.


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