September 9 1925 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, commanded by L. D. Douglas, concluded a Pacific crossing upon reaching Vancouver on September 09th, 1925. 

Social unrest in eastern China was causing difficulties for the Canadian Pacific Steamships.  At Hong Kong the Chinese crew was not able to reboard the ship making it necessary to raise a new crew. 

Also the EMPRESS OF RUSSIA faced labour problems in Japan that resulted in the EMPESS OF ASIA carrying a special Chinese crew to Japan to join the EMPRESS OF RUSSIA.

The EMPRESS OF ASIA, because of the unsettled atmosphere in Shanghai, omitted her regular call to this city and called upon Woosung instead.

On this crossing of the pacific the EMPRESS OF ASIA reported a passenger list of 250.

The passengers include a group of 115 exiles from Russia most of whom had been residing in Harbin, Manchuria after having fled their homeland 5 years earlier.  This party plans to settle in Canada.

Cargo included 840 tons of raw silk valued at $4,000,000.00.  Twenty-one special train cars met the ship at Vancouver to rush the silk eastward to New York and New Jersey mills.  The ship also carried a 2,000 tons of general cargo.

A large consignment of mail was carried with 1,019 bags being discharged at Victoria to be forwarded to Seattle.

Notable passengers aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA arriving at Vancouver on September 09th, 1925.

First Lieutenant Elias Dioquino

Of the Philippines en route to the United States.

Mrs. M. E. Featherston

En route to Ottawa from Hong Kong.

Mr. C. Bott

Associated with the Army and Navy YMCA in Manila, travelling to New York from Manila.

Professor U. G.

Returning from a tour of the Far East.

Dr. A. W. Sellards


Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Richards

Of Langley, Buckinghamshire, England.

S. Garduno

Of Manila, en route to New York.

B. T. B. Boothby

Chief Engineer of the Chinese section of the Kowloon-Canton Railways.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Campbell

Of Tientsin travelling to Vancouver.

Dr. C. Holtzclaw

Of Portland, Oregon, returning from a trip to the Far East.

E. M. Terry


F. H. Stevens

Of Manila, associated with the Pacific Commercial Company.

A. W. Burkill

Of Shanghai.

D. Pringle

Associated with the Pringle Furniture Company.

Thomas M. Skove

Of Shanghai, associated with the Cleveland Twist Drill Company.

R. D. Gillespie

Of Shanghai, associated with Messrs. Brunner, Mond & Company.

E. M. Poons

Of Kobe

William Gauge

Associated with the American Trading Company, Kobe.

J, E. Delburgo

Returning from a business trip to the far East


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