May 14 1917 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA began a Pacific crossing upon sailing from Vancouver on May 14th, 1917. 

A capacity cargo was reported. 

The ship carried a large passenger list with most First Class and Second Class accommodation fully booked.  A large number of Steerage passengers were also reported.

Passengers included the crew of the Blue Funnel liner PROTESILAUS who were returning to the Far East.

Passengers also included a party of 150 returning to Russia from the United States.

Notable passengers embarking aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA on May 14th, 1917 at Vancouver and Victoria.


Count Ilya Tolstoy

Returning to Russia from a lecture tour in the United States.

H. E. Burbidge

Manager of the Hudson’s Bay stores en route to the Far East.

J. M. Gibson

En route to the Far East.


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