October 5 1922 - Notable Passengers

The EMPRESS OF ASIA began a Pacific crossing upon sailing from Vancouver on October 5th, 1922.

Note of Interest:

Another Canadian Pacific liner, the EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA, sailed from Vancouver to Yokohama on September 28th, 1922.  Two days later the ship developed severe mechanical problems that shut down one turbine and forced the ship to turn around and return to British Columbia.

Many of the passengers from the EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA were transferred to the EMPRESS OF ASIA.  Consequently the EMPRESS OF ASIA sailed with a very large passengers list of over 1,000 persons.

Notable passengers embarking aboard EMPRESS OF ASIA on October 5th, 1922 at Vancouver and Victoria.


Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Stone

Of Victoria.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Quelch

Of Victoria.

M. N. Bostock

Of Vancouver.

D. Hume

Of Vancouver.

D. S. Rabb

Of Vancouver.

P. Hachiya

Of Vancouver.

Dr. E. R. Cunningham

Of Toronto.

Velma Imeson

Of Toronto.

Florence Jack

Of Toronto.

Reverend and Mrs. C. F. Jolliffe

Of Toronto.

Edward Jolliffe

Of Toronto.

Orlando Jolliffe

Of Toronto.

Paul Jolliffe

Of Toronto.

D. Kilpatrick

Of Toronto.

Reverend and Mrs. R. S. Longley

Of Toronto.

Robert Longley

Of Toronto.

Gordon Longley

Of Toronto.

Beatrice Longley

Of Toronto.

Muriel Longley

Of Toronto.

Reverend and Mrs. R. B. McAmmond

Of Toronto.

Pearl McNeil

Of Toronto.

Ada E. Miles

Of Toronto.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Pincock

Of Toronto.

Reverend and Mrs. G. E. Rackham

Of Toronto.

Lulu Rouse

Of Toronto.

Robina Service

Of Toronto.

William Service

Of Toronto.

Dr. W. J. Sheridan

Of Toronto.

Reverend and Mrs. M. Smith

Of Toronto.

Reverend and Mrs. W. E. Sibley

Of Toronto.

James A. Smith

Of Toronto.

Omar L. Smith

Of Toronto.

Dr. Hilda M. Smith

Of Toronto.

Reverend and Mrs. G. W. Sparling

Of Toronto.

Ruth Sparling

Of Toronto.

Florence Sparling

Of Toronto.

Margaret Sparling

Of Toronto.

Dorothy Sparling

Of Toronto.

Mrs. C. Strout

Of Toronto.

Dr. and Mrs. Percival S. Tennant

Of Toronto.

Elva Tindale

Of Toronto.

C. Wellwood

Of Toronto.

M. M. Wheeler

Of Toronto.

P. W. Robertson

Of Edmonton

Frank B. Noyes

President of the Associated Press, en route to the Far East on business.

John Jay Abbott

Of Chicago.

Judge A. C. Carson

Of New York.

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